ADSL staff are organized into technical and administrative staff. Overall management rests with Board of Directors of ADSL. All directors have proven professional careers to their credit. The management is well known to the relevant sectors. ADSL concentrates on quality and timely completion of projects. Beyond in-house expertise, it has a pool of qualified senior associates in different disciplines, which it draws upon on all stages of project management as opportune.
The firm’s directors oversee ADSL’s project office staff, who provide support services; procurement, accounting, and maintain contact with the consultants. It has a Project Management Unit (PMU) that enables clients and consultants to get a one point communication platform.
In addition to its core staff and associates, it maintains close ties with professional, academic and research institutions in the country and beyond. ADSL’s voice in development has been increasing perceptibly over the years. Many outstanding resource persons in the country and the region, and quite a few from afar, have worked with ADSL with productivity and satisfaction.
Dr Karim has a total of 37 years of experience in government and private sectors. He held the highest professional post in the education service (Director-General for Secondary and Higher Education, Government of Bangladesh). He also held the post of Chief of Planning, Ministry of Education, Government of Bangladesh. During his long career, he served as Consultant to the Asian Development Bank, the World Bank, the United Nations Development Program, UNICEF and AusAID on several occasions. He was involved as member of the Bangladesh Task Force on Human Resources Development, the Bangladesh National Education Commission, the National Committee on Primary and Mass Education and the Task Force on Education. He had plenty of experience of supervising primary and secondary schools, primary training institutes and teachers’ training colleges. He has a number of publications on educational developments in Bangladesh.
Mr. Kabir has an MSc in Statistics and a postgraduate diploma in development planning. He has a total of 18 years’ experience in computer-aided data processing and data analysis. He served as data processing specialist to a number of education projects including non-formal education funded by ADB, CIDA, European Commission, IFAD, DFID, NORAD, SDC, SIDA, The World Bank, Unicef, and UNDP.
Mr. Hossain has a Master’s degree in Social Science and a total of 14 years’ experience in different projects and NGOs in the country. He worked as Research Associate for various projects funded by bilateral donor agencies.
Mr. Rahman has a Master’s degree in Public Administration (Norway). He has a total of 14 years’ experience in public and private sector in Bangladesh. He has particular expertise in project planning, monitoring and evaluation in development sector.