Sector Coverage

Since its establishment ADSL has worked in different areas of activities in various markets and sectors, expanding its expertise and cementing its position as an invaluable multi-sector consulting company. This section highlights the important work ADSL has conducted in different markets across Bangladesh.

  • Urban infrastructure: ADSL provides support to physical infrastructure projects initiated by the government, mainly under the leadership of the Local Government & Rural Development directorate. The organization fulfills planning and quality assurance roles when undertaking projects with partners in this sector. In the past, ADSL has reviewed the European Commission’s support to Bangladesh for disaster preparedness. Furthermore, the organization has experience evaluating coastal embankment rehabilitation programs and strategies for city development aimed at poverty alleviation.
  • Rural infrastructure: ADSL’s engineers, M&E specialists and gender experts have been working alongside its associate firms with the Ministry of Chittagong Hill Tracts Affairs to implement a six year area development programme supported by the Asian Development Bank. ADSL is part of a team dedicated to bringing economic opportunities and proper physical infrastructure to the region in a sustainable and efficient way – thereby playing an important part in improving the livelihood of those living in the area.
  • Climate Change: ADSL has implemented a number of climate resilience projects. From the years of experience in implementation and supporting implementation of project both at urban and rural contexts; it has acquired solid expertise in climate resilience, mitigation and adaptation projects. The key areas of expertise included review policy, regulatory and institutional framework for emergency and environmental matters; monitoring and evaluation of climate change impacts on the livelihoods of people in urban and rural settings; mechanism for identifying and validating issues, opportunities and alternatives; design and implement of climate resilient infrastructures, ensuring that climate resilience principles are adequately considered; and updating master plan of selected municipality towns mainstreaming climate change mitigation and adaptation measures. For example, (i) ADB funded technical assistance project TA-8913 WEG: sub-project 1 developing integrated urban development plan in selected DMC cities incorporating urban climate resilience principles, (ii) Rapid Strategic Environmental Assessment of the Waste of Energy Engagement (W2E) of the Danida supported climate change adaptation and Mitigation Program (CCAMP) in Bangladesh.
  • Regional Development: ADSL is now preparing and implementing the “Haor Flood Management and Livelihood Improvement Project” alongside the Government of Bangladesh with funding provided by JICA. The goal of this project is to manage the recurrent flooding which takes places in the Haor (back swamp) regions of the country and to enhance the area’s living standards through livelihood improvement interventions. The project will be implemented in twenty nine Haorarea stretches in five districts, namely Sunamganj, Habiganj, Netrokona, Kishoreganj and Brahmanbaria in the northeast of Bangladesh.
  • Water Supply and Management: ADSL has entered a partnership with Mott MacDonald to work with Dhaka Water Supply and Sewerage Authority (DWASA) to implement the Dhaka Environmentally Sustainable Water Supply project (DESWSP). This project, just started recently, aims to supply the city of Dhaka with reliable and sustainable water by developing a new surface source to replace the decreasing groundwater supply. ADSL’s responsibility includes supporting the Project Management Unit in overall project management and implementation, ensuring that all works are carried out in accordance with Asian Development Bank standards such as its environmental and social safeguards requirements.
  • Renewable Energy: ADSL has been an emerging player in the renewable energy, market in Bangladesh. In the recent years, it has contributed various client it assessing the needs and programming interventions so that the country can be positioned onto right launching pad for emerging renewable market. It has recently been involved among other, waster-to-energy (Danida), sustainable energy (World Bank), and Renewable energy and energy efficiency program (GIZ).
  • Trade and Industry: ADSL has made great strides in the field of trade and industry, providing technical capacity support in projects aimed at fine tuning Bangladesh’s trade regime. The organization is building the capacity of relevant trade bodies by providing policy support and capacity development programs with the aid of WTO research and the formation of integral partnerships. For example, ADSL is currently engaged in a European Commission supported trade policy programme with Bangladesh’s Ministry of Commerce and the Export Promotion Bureau with the goal of formulating a comprehensive trade policy for the country.
  • Private Sector Development: ADSL provides institutional services in private sector development. These services include institutional strengthening and management as well as human resource development. Furthermore the organisation offers services in project management and administration. The aim of providing these services is to facilitate the process by which associated projects promote economic growth and reduce poverty by building private enterprises.
  • Public Financial Management: Along with partner firms Ecorys and PMTC, ADSL has worked with the Planning Commission of Bangladesh to break down macro level outputs from the country’s 6thFive Year Plan to actionable measures that are easier to link with development projects. The organisation assisted the partner firms in strengthening appraisal, approval and monitoring mechanisms, which in turn assisted in the implementation of effective budget development strategies – leading ultimately to better governance and accountability.
  • Governance: ADSL is actively involved in improving systems of governance, both at local government bodies and the central government. With support from JICA, ADSL is currently working with IC Net of Japan, in implementing “National Integrity Systems Implementation” Technical Assistance, in collaborating with the Cabinet Division of the Government of Bangladesh. In addition, it is also working with Nippon Koei and IC Net, with support from JICA, with a view to supporting Local Government Division to implement “Upazila Governance and Development Project”.
  • Education: ADSL offers extensive services in the education sector, particularly in the area of human resource development and its management from primary to tertiary levels. The organization has substantial experience in non-formal post-literacy programs and continuing education. It is currently in partnership Sweco, Danmark working with the Ministry of Education and the Directorate of Secondary and Higher Education to implement the Secondary Education Sector Investment Program (SESIP) with project funding provided by Asian Development Bank. The overall objective of SESIP is to reduce poverty in Bangladesh by establishing a more relevant secondary education in terms of quality, efficiency and equity through developing the secondary education sector as a whole. Among with same consortium, it is also involved in implementing ADB funded Second Teaching Quality Improvement Project.
  • Health: ADSL has provided its services in both macro and specialized settings in the health sector. It has contributed to the formulation of the country’s National Health Policy with the partnership of the Health, Nutrition and Population Sector Program (HNPSP). The organisation has also delivered diverse health related projects, from an urban primary healthcare project in association with the Asian Development Bank to a demand side health financing and voucher scheme in partnership with the European Commission. Apart from policy formulation and project preparation, ADSL has conducted studies to assess the impact of numerous health related interventions.